Director of UNIOR Components wins The Best Regional Leader Award in 2020

The Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Šumadija and Pomoravlje administrative districts awarded companies and business leaders who stood out with their work, engagement and results in 2020.

The winner of the award for regional business leader in 2020 is our director Ljubinko Mijailović, who has achieved exceptional business results.

The year behind us was extremely difficult, because a state of emergency was in force in Serbia due to the corona virus.

Despite that fact, the company UNIOR Components worked at full speed in extremely difficult circumstances when the borders were closed and when the procurement of raw materials, as well as the placement of goods and exports was prevented.

This company employs more than 160 workers, and UNIOR Components exports from about 30 countries around the world.

The award means a lot, says Ljubinko Mijalilović, the director of this company, who adds that a difficult fight for the market, buyers and placement of goods is ahead.

According to the results of business and applied technologies, our company is one of the best in Serbia in terms of management and presence on the reference market, but also in terms of the status of employees, according to the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Šumadija and Pomoravlje administrative districts.

Undoubtedly, the most important merit goes to the director of the company, Ljubinko Mijailović, pointed out Predrag Lučić, director of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Šumadija and Pomoravlje administrative districts, who presented the award of the regional business leader for 2020.

In the first 11 months, the economy of the Šumadija administrative district realized a foreign trade surplus in the amount of 362 million euros, while the economy of the city of Kragujevac in the same period realized a foreign trade surplus of 127 million euros.

UNIOR Components also has a very important place in achieving these results.


Credits: RTK

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The latest technology is waiting for new customers – UNIOR Components is expanding its portfolio of services within heat treatment program

After many years of successful results on the regional market, the company UNIOR Components has significantly expanded its capacity in the heat treatment program (THO). Namely, a new investment, in the form of the most modern equipment from the renowned German manufacturer IPSEN, was recently put into operation in Kragujevac.

This investment highlights a fully automated process of gas nitriding, nitrocarbonation and post-oxidation, which ultimately results in a significant increase in customer service quality. The process of THO (thermochemical treatment) by nitrocarbonation and postoxidation significantly increases the service life of the tool that is heat treated, while also providing protection against corrosion.

Bearing in mind that this level of technology is one of the most modern in the world, and that it has not been available in the Balkans so far, this investment is a really big step, both for UNIOR Components and the entire market, but also for companies whose production process requires heat treatment of the metal.

The range of heat treatment services today has a wide range, and is primarily focused on the thermal treatment of high-speed and tool steels, all types of annealing, improvement, cementation, gas nitriding and post-oxidation.

The emphasis in providing heat treatment services is placed primarily on quality, short deadlines and competitive price.

Also, what sets UNIOR Components apart from the competition in this segment is the fact that the heat treatment program was originally created as a need for its own production cycle, ie the production of special tools (broaches), whose process requires the highest quality thermochemical metal processing. Consequently, the heat treatment program is one of the key reasons why UNIOR Components is one of the most famous manufacturers of broaches in Europe and stands out for its quality acquired in the THO process. heat treatment program (THO). Namely, a new investment, in the form of the most modern equipment from the renowned German manufacturer IPSEN, was recently put into operation in Kragujevac.

This investment highlights a fully automated process of gas nitriding, nitrocarbonation and post-oxidation, which ultimately results in a significant increase in customer service quality. The process of THO (thermochemical treatment) by nitrocarbonation and postoxidation significantly increases the service life of the tool that is heat treated, while also providing protection against corrosion.

Given that this level of technology is one of the most modern in the world, and that it has not been available in the Balkans so far, this investment is a really big step, both for UNIOR Components and the entire market, but also for companies whose production process requires heat treatment of the metal.

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